

Matches 1 to 30 of 30


 #   Notes   Linked to 
1 "... R. Wroath" and "Wroath of Auburn"
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Wednesday August 2, 1911, page 13

snippet only (pay to subscribe for full article) found searching for "Rochester Wroath" 
Wroath, Ashley Richard (P26)
2 "A Sudden Death," begins with the name "Lucinda Wroath"
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Saturday August 11, 1888, page 5

Possible relation to Ashley R. Wroath? 
Wroath, Ashley Richard (P26)
3 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family F26
4 map Wroath, Leon Henry (P10)
5 Killed in a car crash while trying to avoid a cow?

November 16, 1937
The Daily Chronicle from De Kalb, Illinois · Page 9

"Chicago Man Killed in Crash Near Belvidere
Leon H. Wroath, 40, Chicago, was injured fatally last night when he swerved his automobile to avoid striking a cow and crashed Into a culvert on Route 73. He was thrown through the wind-shield." 
Wroath, Leon Henry (P10)
6 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Osgood, Matthew Bernard (P1)
7 according to a note on FindAGrave, this dude committed suicide in front of a handful of witnesses. Wacky.
Plymouth Colony Records, Vol. 6, p. 142 from 
Millard, John Jr (I382)
8 Anna is in the 1910 Census living with the children in the household of her mother, Mary, and listed as Divorced, so it looks like she and Patrick F must have been divorced between 1900 and 1910. O'Brien, Anna (P25)
9 as of 12/2024, this record on Family Search is a mess. two sets of parents with like a dozen siblings, two wives of overlapping times and some duplicate children. It'd be worth keeping an eye on, or else learning French and just going over there and kicking in castle doors till we get some answers.
Maillet, Jacques (I692)
10 Children listed on p31 of the Osgood genealogy doc Osgood, Hooker (I274)
11 Died of the sleeping sickness (encephalitis lethargica). Doyle, Francis Patrick (P20)
12 Elected to the State Senate of PA from 1923-1934. Republican.

UPDATE: This turns out to be incorrect. Different "William D" Mansfield. Common name up that way. I'm not the one to bang out THAT family tree, though.
Mansfield, William Dennis (P46)
13 Emigrated in 1849 according to the 1910 Census (attached to daughter Anna's page)

New data suggests that she was Born Feb 1928 and not Sometime in 1926 as previously thought. 
Cawley, Mary (I336)
14 Find A Grave says Moses was a Revolutionary War Veteran Calkin, Moses (I801)
15 Found a John Wroath (d. Mar 23, 1912) buried in a Union Cemetery in Fort Edward, NY which is about 40 miles south east of the Union Cemetery in North Creek NY. Source: Wroath, John (I80)
16 his birth year is "about" but i find it hard to believe that he lived to be 105... (MBO) Seamans, Caleb (I621)
17 I had a death date of "8 May 1920" in originally and was weirdly loathe to change it, but I can't find where/why I got that date. The US Veterans Bureau card referenced in the Sources has "4/30/19" after a discharge on 1/29/19 so I'm changing the death date to that. Doyle, Francis Patrick (P20)
18 In JMO's Baby Book, Isabelle Mansfield wrote "Mary" and "Ireland" as William's mother's name and place of birth. Mansfield, William Dennis (P46)
19 Interestingly, in the 1940 census ((link), Lydia is listed as Widowed. I was under the impression that nobody knew what happened to Lee, but maybe she lied to Bud? Fell, Lydia Lovina (P11)
20 John Sutton arrived in the port town of Hingham, Mass. in 1638 from the town of Attleborough, England. He arrived on the HMS Diligent of Ipswich. This passage can be found on page 62 of, “The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume XCI, 1937. Sutton, John (I386)
21 listed in the 1910 census as "Butcher" Bowen, Pardon A (I499)
22 Mary R (La)Force Bowen/Tuttle's FindAGrave has
Elizabeth B. Bowen Pronto
Bowen, Elizabeth B (I70)
23 May well have died in childbirth Sabin, Elizabeth (I391)
24 on FamilySearch, Tabitha has 13 children listed. "Freelove" is the oldest, then Naomi, Jonathan, Mary, James, Naomi, Hannah, Caleb (our ancestor), Tabitha, Ruth, Thomas, Susannah and Noah. Wow. (...MBO) Wood, Tabitha (I625)
25 On Joshua Woodman's FamilySearch page, they list 11 children for his parents, including 2 Marys and 2 Elizabeths. Neither appear on WikiTree, leading me to believe that both (all 4?) died at birth or soon after, and left some confusion to future chroniclers. (...MBO) Family F259
26 P76 of the Osgood Genealogy Doc Osgood, Thomas Sr (I268)
27 Probably died young - there is quite a bit of consternation about her last son, Humphrey. Likely there are 2 Humphreys, because he's listed as born before her. Might not even be a relation. ...MBO Searle, Mary (I683)
28 Sailed on the ship Confidence
on or about 14 April 1638
From Southampton for New England 
Osgood, John (I329)
29 This dude has a whole bio on WikiTree about his governorship of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Dudley, Thomas (I320)
30 Was this dude's name really "Anon?" Awesome. -MBO Bowen, Anon (I597)